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Perspective Numérique

March, 29th, 18H00 @ CRI by Olivier Auber (@olivierauber)

About this Workshop

The “perspective numérique” (numerical perspective, http://perspective-numerique.net ) is the main concept developed by Olivier and it intend to show how a new perspective caraterize our digital time, like spatial perspective caraterized the Renaissance. This implies a great reflexion on vanishing codes (and not points) and their numerical and biological natures.

During the workshop we might do some code walk on several project linked with the “perspective numérique” :
- The Poietic Generator ( http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/projects/generateur-poietique/blog/poietic-generator-english )
- Open collective memory ( http://arbre.km2.net/ )

perspective_numerique.txt · Last modified: 2011/03/10 01:42 by admin
Trace: anglish codesprints fabelier web_collage_with_twisted syntax diy_degree perspective_numerique
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