Bubble T

BUBBLE T is a visualization of tweets proposed in the DataViz Google Elections 2012 competition by Samuel Huron, Raphael Velt ,Romain Vuillemot and Yves Marie Haussonne.

How does it works ?

Explore Twitter activity around the candidates for president !  The top area lets you track tweets in real time, as and when they arrive. Timelines give you the change in the number of tweets quoting each candidate on a day or one week The cloud of keywords provides an overview of speech associated with each candidate, and their evolution over the past few hours.

Bubble-T is a visualization of tweets proposed in the competition DataViz Google Elections 2012 by employees of the Institute for Research and Innovation (IRI) and the research team Aviz.How BUBBLE T ? Explore Twitter activity around the candidates for president! The top area lets you track tweets in real time, as and when they arrive. Timelines give you the change in the number of tweets quoting each candidate on a day or one week The cloud of keywords provides an overview of speech associated with each candidate, and their evolution over the past few hours.

It was selected among the 6 finalists of the Google Dataviz 2012 Contest for visualizing the French elections based on social media. Their visualization will be accessible from the “Trend” tab (Tendances) of the French elections YouTube channel.