Meshwork Trolling session @BlackBox

This wednesday (25th of april, 7:30pm), trolling session on mesh and ad-hoc networking ( ) at Fabelier. The event is hosted at BlackBox Hackerspace (NOT THE USUAL PLACE).
There will be some people from the BattleMesh community that are visiting paris this day.
The idea, among others, is to discuss Serval Project, an mesh project based on android phones and using B.A.T.M.A.N. protocol. Also the idea of putting some mesh nodes everywhere in Paris, and how to start with it could be discussed 🙂 (I’ve already installed a mapserver for that purpose)

What :
Where : 17 rue de la Chapelle 75018 Paris
CODE portail A2546 au fond de l’impasse.
Métro Marx Dormoy
When : Wed. April 25th ::